Kingdom Hearts Unlimited Wiki
Lich King (Adventure Time)

The Lich King Phineas

Lich King Phineas is a major antagonist in the Kingdom Hearts Unlimited Saga, and one of the two main Big Bads of "The Chain of Memories".

In a past life, The Lich King was a scientist named Phineas, who desired a means of achieving immortality by combining magic with nuclear science. The result killed Phineas in a nuclear explosion laced with dark magic, but because he had so much evil in his heart, his skeletonish half-melted corpse was reanimated, making him into a Lich and binding his soul to a reliquary hidden within his heart chamber cavity. He was eventually beaten by several members of the ancient Jedi Order, and sealed away in a casket of amber until he was broken loose by the Archmage's time travel abilities.

Nowadays, he is one of the 13 Seekers of Darkness assembled by Emperor Palpatine on Lord Chernabog's orders to help form the necessary individuals needed to reforge the X-blade.


Appearance and Personality

The Lich King  has a helm with curled horns, one of which has broken off, horrific green lights as pupils peering out of his empty eye sockets, and pale undead skin pulled tight against his nose-less skull. His skin is frayed away from his lips revealing a wicked and perpetual grin. His robe is in multiple layers and is large and baggy showing that the Lich may have woven it himself unevenly. He has a large cape that is severely torn at its end. His arms are bare bones with various decayed tissues, and his skeletal hands burn with an eerie fire when he casts fire spells. The Lich is also remarkably large. In the flashback in "His Hero," the Lich was shown to rival Billy in size. Before the Lich was struck down by Billy, both of his horns are intact, so it is possible that it got broken off sometime during or after the fight.

The Lich is driven by a rather single minded goal to destroy all life and appears to show little interest in anything that does not further his ambitions towards this dark end.

He is viciously cunning, and quick to learn from his mistakes. He methodically targets those things and people who have proven a problem for him in the past by either destroying them outright or using them as pawns to further his own agenda. 

The Lich is rather taciturn and speaks only in brief statements. Because he seldom speaks, his words carry great gravity. 

The Lich's most notable flaw is his arrogance and his driven single-minded nature. In each case his defeat has been at the hands of opponents he was derisively dismissive towards. 

Given that the Lich is the direct product of a mutagenic doomsday weapon, it may explain why his sole purpose appears to be "the extinction of all life."


